PACE Setters

 In Events, History

P.A.C.E. (Canada) has had the benefit of contributions in cash and in kind from many individuals and companies.
These contributed goods and services have not been assessed for monetary value. Instead. P.A.C.E. (Canada) developed the Pacesetter Awards as a way of acknowledging these special contributions.
Each name indicates a different kind of involvement and P.A.C.E. (Canada) presents the list of these special people and companies honoured as PACE Setters over the years.



Air Jamaica

Grace Kennedy Foods

Jamaica National Bank

Jamaica Tourist Board

Jamaica Weekly Gleaner (N.A.)

Patty Palace

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L.G. & Thelma Barrett

Tom Bridgette

Heather Bubb Clarke

Diana Burke

Cherita Girvan-Campbell

Hedy Castelino

Eugene Chang

Erma Collins

Len Coke

Fay and Vincent Conville

Ray Chang

Ray Chen

Roger Chen

Alvin Curling, M.P.P.

Joan Davidson

Rick Davis

K.V. Donaldson

Dr. Isabel Doxey

Prof. Steen Esbensen

Neville Fletcher

Dr. Avis Glaze

Patricia Gloudon

Eddie Grant

Rev. Venice Guntley

Tracy Hayhurst

Robert Henderson

Cathy Henry

Marblet James

Delrine Jones

Bert Kameka

Ron King

Leila MacKenzie

Dr. Vandra Masemann & Family

Prof. Keith McLeod

Sylvia McPhee

Lloyd and Maxine Mitchell

Dr. Karen Mock

Vivienne Nelson-Campbell

Don Panos

Gerry Phillips, M.P.P.

Mary Sargent

Gail Scala

Larry Scoburg — Club Paradise

Helen Sissons

Eva Smith

Nadine Spencer

Ronald Spencer

Alton Telfer

Thelma Carey Thompson

Gifford Walker

Neville Walters

Sandra Whiting

Dwight Whylie

Margaret Williams

Trevor and Sadie Wong

Dr. Rosemary Young


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