Angela Fuller CaseFundraising (Executive Committee)

    Dedicated professional, with over 20 years practical experience in various industriesDental, Telemarketing, Sales and Education. Possess special sensitivity to meeting diverse needs in varied situations. Key strengths include:

    • Remaining calm and professional during time of emergencies.
    • Ability to easily assess conditions and implement appropriate intervention, then evaluate the efficacy of the plan implemented.
    • Ability to relay information in a comprehensive manner.
    • Ability to motivate individuals.
    • Relate well to people from a variety of cultures and socioeconomic conditions.
    • Great team member due to flexible attitude towards varied situations.
    • Readily develop rapport with clients, staff, and other health care
    • Reliable and responsible.
    • Bilingual; fluent in English ;intermediate level in French


    Communication Skills
    •Provided dental hygiene counselling to patients.
    •Planned and Facilitated staff training and meetings.
    •Effectively managed communication flow between Dentist and patients, to ensure
    patient needs are correctly met by Dentist.
    •Successfully build internal and external customer relationships.
    •Assessed teamwork, flexibility, adaptability, customer service skills, and common
    values & goals of potential candidates through formal interviews and recruiting.
    •Trained to integrate quickly and effectively with any Communication Centre.
    •Proven ability to interact well with children, young adults and their parents/guardians.
    •Mediated confrontational situations and resolved customer complaints.
    •Successfully created clear and concise written reports, and internal and external written communications.

    Customer Service Skills
    •Serve as consultant for customers by helping them make the right selections.
    •Surpassed company’s customer service goals and expectations by achieving a
    95%+ monthly average on customer service assessments.
    •Successfully delivered superior service, professionalism, expert knowledge and ability to remain flexible and open to increased responsibilities.
    •Demonstrated ability to gain customer trust and precisely deliver according to customer expectations.

    •In my role as Dental Hygienist, patients would book appointments according to my schedule as they appreciated my care and attentiveness to them.

    Project Management & Administrative Skills
    •Successfully oversee and maintain client documents/information.
    •Preparation and delivery of learning programs to children and young adults
    •Coach, mentor and lead personnel.
    •Responsible and accountable for the coordinated management of summer camp.
    •Build credibility, establish rapport, and maintain communication with parents and camp organization.

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